Executive Summary of a report by the National Association of Scholars January 2017 The full 523-page report is available at www.nas.org/makingcitizens MAKING CITIZENS: HOW AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES TEACH CIVICS

National Association of Scholars (PDF):

A new movement in American higher education
aims to transform the teaching of civics .

This report is a study of what that movement is, where it came from, and why Americans should be concerned .

What we call the “New Civics” redefines civics as progressive political activism . Rooted in the radical program of the 1960s’ New Left, the New Civics presents itself as an up-to-date version of volunteerism and good works .

Though camouflaged with soft rhetoric, the New Civics,
properly understood, is an effort to repurpose higher education .

The New Civics seeks above all to make students into enthusiastic supporters of the New Left’s dream of “fundamentally transforming” America .

The transformation includes de-carbonizing the economy, massively redistributing wealth, intensifying identity group grievance, curtailing the free market, expanding government bureaucracy, elevating international “norms” over American Constitutional law, and disparaging our common history and ideals. New Civics advocates argue among themselves which of these transformations should take precedence, but they agree that America must be transformed by “systemic change” from an unjust, oppressive society to a society that embodies .social justice.