Gov. Abbott threatens to pull out of refugee program over Syrian refugees to consternation of civil rights workers, student refugees

Sarah Phillips

The state of Texas recently threatened to pull out of the federal refugee resettlement program over security concerns related to Syrian refugees, a move that the Texas Civil Rights Project has condemned as furthering suffering of populations of the world.
On Sept. 21, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced its intention to withdraw from the resettlement program if the Office of Refugee Resettlement cannot assure security.
“Despite multiple requests by the State of Texas, the federal government lacks the capability or the will to distinguish the dangerous from the harmless, and Texas will not be an accomplice to such dereliction of duty to the American people,” Abbott said in a statement. “Therefore, Texas will withdraw from the refugee resettlement program. I strongly urge the federal government to completely overhaul a broken and flawed refugee program that increasingly risks American lives.”

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