“I want to live in the Hamilton/Van Hise attendance area.” I’ve heard that statement many times over the years. I wondered how that desire might be reflected in real estate activity.
Tap for a larger view. xlsx version.
Happily, it’s easy to keep up with the market using the Bunbury, First Weber, Restaino or Shorewest apps. For the middle schools, I’ll use the First Weber app iOS Android. Next week, I plan to take a look at elementary schools using the Restaino app. I also hope to dive into property tax variation.
Tap the search link on your iPhone, iPad or Android with the First Weber app installed. You can then interact with the data and properties.
Black Hawk Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Cherokee Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Hamilton Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Jefferson Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
O’Keeffe Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Sennett Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Sherman Middle School Attendance Area Search. Stats.
Madison’s median household income is $53,933 ($31,659 per capita).
Finally, Madison, via a 2015 referendum, is expanding Hamilton, its least diverse middle school.
** As always, much of the property information beneath these statistics is entered by humans. There may be an occasional mistake… 🙂