Rutgers listed within 100 most militarized schools in nation

Nikita Biryukov:

ranked Rutgers University as the 73rd most “militarized university” in the nation.

“Militarized” is a misnomer, referring not to the presence of a militarized police force or an expansive ROTC program, but to the existence of national security programs, the amount of federal funding received by the universities and the presence of research relating to homeland security.

Vice held Rutgers as one of the top homeland security schools, likely due to the growth of the Rutgers Institute of Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security (IEPHS).

“A core mission of our institute is protecting individuals, groups and society from the spectrum of threats that can occur,” said Clifton Lacy, director of IEPHS. “We employ an all hazards approach … we focus on naturally occurring hazards and accidental so called ‘technological hazards and ‘intentional threats.’”

The threats experienced by New Jersey have been numerous.