Comfort Addiction


This is more than just being offended by a comedian or a class about rape. I think there is a process of infantilization at universities (more so in the US than Canada, but its here too)…often created by universities to retain students, and them reinforced by students. Students and administrators are addicted to comfort. It often starts with a full week of orientation and non-stop entertainment/DJs/bands and activities reminiscent of a summer camp. Then there are offices to help students with anything that could possibly upset them (I suppose to ensure that they remain enrolled and thus paying fees and tuition). My university, like most, has offices for diversity, indigenous student support, sexual orientation, even a mental health office specifically for international students, etc. As a professor, I am frequently asked to make academic accommodations for every religion and every possible religious holiday that might conflict with assignment. I ensure that every disability is accommodated. Most disabilities that I am asked to accommodate seem to be unspecified and are remedied by providing the students with a separate, quiet location and an extra 30 minutes to take an exam.