Plastic women vs. cardboard men

Richard Whidmire:

Over the past decade, hundreds of articles and scores of book have chronicled “boy troubles,” the odd phenomenon of boys flailing in school and men adrift in life.
That is so yesterday’s story. Today’s story is about what happens to women when men fail, and the storytellers are women. Look no further than The End of Men and the Rise of Women, by Hanna Rosin, and The Richer Sex: How the New Majority of Female Breadwinners is Transforming Sex, Love, and Family, by Liza Mundy.
Why shouldn’t women be the ones to write about the world of failing men? Women actually read books (Checked out the men’s vs. women’s section in your local bookstore lately?). You can’t argue with the market. If women are ruling our colleges and taking over fields such as veterinary medicine, clinical psychology and pharmacy, and well, pretty much everything other than plumbing, they might as well chronicle the demise of men.