New York Governor Cuomo picks fight with schools, gets one

Associated Press:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo picked a fight last week with what has long been Albany’s most powerful force: public schools.
In his State of the State address, he accused teachers’ unions, school boards and school aid lobbyists of being more interested in adults than children.
“We need major reform,” he said Wednesday. “We need to focus on student achievement. … We’ve wasted enough time.”
In their best Robert DeNiro, they shot back: “You talkin’ to me?”
In the balance could hang whether the poorest school districts, mostly in larger cities and in rural areas, will get a larger share of state school aid. That had been the case for most of the past decade after the state’s highest court found New York failed to adequately fund education for years. But not last year, in Cuomo’s first budget.

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