New Jersey Governor Christie at Notre Dame: K-12 education ‘most important issue in America’

Margaret Fosmoe:

Calling K-12 education “the single most important issue in America today for our long-term future,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie today offered a list of recommendations for improving the nation’s public schools.
He sharply criticized teachers unions and challenged Americans to have the strength to help poor children in failing schools.
“We neither have the guts nor the will to change the status quo and to stand up to the comfort of adults in favor of the potential of children,” the Republican governor said during a speech at Notre Dame Law School.
Christie, 49, spoke during a symposium about educational innovation and the law. Notre Dame is hosting events throughout this academic year focusing on ways to improve K-12 education.
There is no doubt that uninvolved parents are a serious problem, but children’s futures can’t be discarded because of the flaws of their parents, he said.

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