Creepy crawlies: The internet allows the malicious to menace their victims

The Economist:

LEANDRA RAMM (pictured) is a mezzo-soprano with more on her mind than music. Someone–a deranged Singaporean cyber-stalker, she claims–has posted around 4,000 internet messages in the past five years, depicting her as a talentless, sex-crazed swindler. He has also created a blog under her name and has left obscene messages on her own website.
Ms Ramm, who lives in New York, has had scant help from the American police, who say the offence is committed in Singapore. But she says the police in Singapore have shown no interest. Ms Ramm says her career, social life and emotional well-being have all suffered. Not only does she get daily death threats, but so do all those associated with her: friends, family, colleagues and boss. She says she feels “humiliated, helpless and abused”.

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