Seattle schools have forgotten to listen to parents: There’s always an open door for businesses and well-financed interest groups with an agenda. Parents? Well, that’s another story.

Melissa Westbrook:

It’s good that Seattle City Council members, our mayor, and the Seattle School Board are finally calling for needed reform and accountability within our district. While many in our community were stunned at the revelations about the depth of ineptitude, obliviousness, and near criminality within our school district, some parents felt a saddened sense of relief mixed with frustration. This is the part of the story that remains untold.
Parents in Seattle Public Schools have never been passive consumers but committed partners. Besides raising millions of dollars each year for our schools, they also get out the vote for our education levies and bonds. Some are watchdogs for our school district.
These “feet on the ground” parents know their schools and neighborhoods well.

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