Madison’s Fine Arts Task Force Update

Laurie Fellenz, Teacher Leader – Fine Arts

Since the January 2010 Board of Education update, the majority of focus of the Fine Arts Division in Curriculum and Assessment has been on recommendations regarding curriculum revisions, distribution ofequitable essential arts resources, and plans for a proposed fine arts programming financial planning team.
The Fine Arts Task Force Report contains three main areas. This updated report is organized around the recommendations from the Fine Arts Task Force, progress to date, and next steps in these three areas: Curriculum; Equity; and Long-Term Financial Planning.
Creation ofa multi-year funding pIan for arts education will be structured to provide adequate, sustained funding for MMSD students taking k-12 arts education courses, which will offer:
A sequence o f diverse, skill-based classes Expanded, equitable access to co-curricular opportunities Knowledge of and appreciation for world art forms

4 thoughts on “Madison’s Fine Arts Task Force Update”

  1. Thanks for posting, Jim. Also, thank you to Laurie Fellenz, newly appointed Fine Arts Teacher Leader, for her excellent, hard work in a short time frame.
    Her report clearly states the main recommendations of the fine arts task force and her recommended next steps make good sense and puts the task force recommendations back on track with Superintendent and School Board support.

  2. The video of that meeting is worth watching. The new Fine Arts Coordinator, Laurie Fellenz, ROCKS! Her presentation was concise, coherent, and specific. After four short weeks on the job, she had accomplished more than (I believe) was accomplished in the past 2 years. Breath of fresh air, and a real signal that MMSD has the people and the talent to move forward. They just need to be identified and allowed to shine.

  3. Laurie Fellenz is great. I’m so glad to hear that she has taken that important position.

  4. Agree 100% with Lucy. Laurie Fellenz has done a great job in a short amount of time! Students will benefit from her leadership.

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