School dances: Another baby boomer failure

Valerie Strauss

With the new school year in full swing, school dances have begun in earnest. This can’t be what Patrick Swayze had in mind in “Dirty Dancing.”
For those of you fortunate enough not to have had experience with this yet, here’s what kids do today at many school dances (as well as at parties, formal and otherwise): They provocatively grind their pelvises into each other on the dance floor, sometimes standing face to face, sometimes with the boy behind the girl. It’s called grinding.
Sexually suggestive dancing was hardly invented by today’s kids. Young people say it is harmless fun, and sometimes it is.
But sometimes there is something more troubling going on: Boys often walk up to girls who don’t already have a boy thrusting his genitals at them and just start right up, no permission sought. Many girls, who even in the 21st century will do nearly anything to win a boy’s attention, allow them to go ahead without a word. Of course, there are some girls who initiate it themselves. That’s no better.
What this points to is the failure of many baby boomers to teach their daughters to respect themselves and their bodies and make their own choices, and to teach their sons to view women and girls as something other than sex objects.

One thought on “School dances: Another baby boomer failure”

  1. Um…harmless fun? We used to call this dry-humping, or foreplay. Is this really something we want to give the OK to at public school dances?
    I know that kids will be kids, etc, but while it is one thing for those kids who feel ready to experiment sexually in privacy (and even that thought probably makes many parents a bit uncomfortable) it is a very different story to allow it at school dances.
    The message that some kids get when they see it permitted at a school dance is that this behavior is sanctioned, and to some kids, the inherent peer pressure message is also that it is expected if they are to act their age and be cool.
    At West High School, the policy as told to chaperones, is that “grinding” is permitted as long as a boy doesn’t grind while pressing a girl against a wall or other fixed object. OMG! Seriously!
    For kids who aren’t into this, the visual message can be very disturbing.
    I think we need stricter policies enforced at school dances. At least at West High School. I don’t know about what goes on at the other schools.

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