Yale: The musical

Jenna Johnson:

A new Yale admissions video released Friday starts as most campus tours do: an uncomfortable question-and-answer session with an over-caffeinated admissions officer. Some kid asks what year the school was founded. A dowdy mom elbows a nerdy dad.
And then a sultry young woman in a red sundress in the back row asks: “Why did you choose Yale?”
There’s a reflective pause. A reflection piano overture. Reflective looks around the room. And then — bam! — the boring admissions video turns into a musical. The admissions officer serenades the no-longer-bored students: When I was a senior in high school, colleges called out my name. Every day I debate where to matriculate, but every place seemed the same. Yet after I went through the options, only one choice remained. I wanted to hail from a college called Yale . . . .
It feels like an episode of Glee, the popular TV show that overnight made it socially acceptable and even sexy to sing in the high school show chorus. Those involved admit they watched the movie “High School Musical” for inspiration. And since the video was posted on YouTube on Friday evening, it has been viewed nearly 50,000 times.