School board chief asks kids: ‘How can I help?’

Mary Mitchell:

Last Thursday morning, Chicago School Board President Michael Scott stood on a corner at Altgeld Gardens and surveyed the landscape.
The unseasonable chill was a warning of things to come.
It would not do to have students waiting in a snowstorm for a bus to take them to Fenger High School.
Scott thought arrangements had been made with a local community center.
“What community center? Where?” asked Marguerite Jacobs, the lone parent on hand when the yellow school bus rolled up at 7 a.m.
Although her son is not yet in high school, Jacobs said she is concerned about CPS’ plan to keep sending students to Fenger.
“My kid is not going to walk into this mess,” she said.
Turns out, the community center that Scott thought would be a haven is a couple of blocks away and doesn’t open so early in the morning.

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