Many Tennessee school districts get low marks on report card

Michael Grider:

The Tennessee Department of Education released its 2009 report card Tuesday.
State officials changed the way the TDEC “value added” and “achievement” report card scores were calculated this year.
“Because we have been on an aggressive path to improvement with the Tennessee Diploma Project,” Education Commissioner Timothy Webb said, “it was necessary to utilize this transition year to change our calculation methods and more accurately demonstrate student progress in an effort to pursue higher standards.”
Officials changed the baseline year used to compare student scores and achievement, and they’ve implemented a new grading scale that could see previously high A marks lowered to the B or C level, according to a TDEC release.
Referring to the scoring changes, Knox County Schools spokesperson Melissa Copelan, in a news release, said, “This makes comparison of the 2009 Report Card data with previous years’ scores not possible or valid.”