Milwaukee-area high schools strive for Newsweek ranking

Amy Hetzner:

Few could call Milwaukee’s Rufus King High School shy about divulging how it stacks up on Newsweek magazine’s annual report on the nation’s best public high schools.
“Newsweek: Top-Ranked School in Wisconsin” blares the headline on the school’s Web site, with a link to the magazine’s site and a rundown on how Rufus King has topped other Wisconsin schools in previous years of comparisons.
This honor distinguishes the school, Rufus King Principal Marie Newby-Randle says in a written statement on the Web site, and it proves its students “are truly among the brightest and the best.”
Colleges have their U.S. News & World Report rankings.
American high schools have the Challenge Index.

The only Madison area high school to make the list was Verona at #808.
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