Writer of the Week: I Would Go Out of my Way to Step on That Crunchy-Looking Leaf

“Featured Writer of Week:

Yael’s defining quality as a writer is her rich imaginary aesthetic. She received a 2008 gold regional key from the Scholastic’s Art & Writing Awards for her latest piece. Please celebrate Yael’s accomplishment by reading:

Yael Weisenfeld:

When I first heard the question I thought it was rather ridiculous. “Would you go out of your way to step on a crunchy-looking leaf?” It seemed so… strange. Really, who but a child would? Of course I replied in the negative and received a look from the man in return that was somewhere midway between pity and disappointment. I don’t see what made me deserve that response; how does he know that I’m just not a leaf-crunching kind of person? Maybe the sound of leaf-crunching is my pet peeve. It isn’t, but that’s not the point. Apparently I can’t possibly enjoy life without stepping on crunchy leaves. I suppose I wouldn’t know, but that man doesn’t seem too experienced in life-enjoyment either, as he always acts as though he’s got a stick up his a*#.