Detroit Schools Coping with a Surge of Homeless Children

Karen Bouffard:

Cherish Brisbane loved Gompers Elementary School, where she was friends with girls named Tyler, Casey and Amanda. Now she’s trying to find friends at Owen Academy, her new school near the homeless shelter in Highland Park that she now calls home.
“I miss my school, and that was a good house. Plus I miss my dog, Precious. We had to give her away to somebody,” said Cherish, a pretty girl with her hair pulled into a puff on top of her head. “The hardest part was I lost all my best friends.”
The 8-year-old is one of a growing number of homeless children attending schools throughout Metro Detroit, where the number of children known to have no fixed address has shot up by more than 70 percent in the last three years. Cherish has lived in two shelters since her family was evicted from their Detroit home in November.

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