Michelle Rhee on the Washington, DC School System


It may not be Cornell ’77, but here and just below (part 1) and here and the second video below (part 2) are videos of a speech Michelle Rhee gave the other night discussing the state of affairs in Washington, D.C. that are well worth checking out. If you want the inside view of the challenges there and the ones facing urban schools more generally, you can’t do much better than this. I keep hearing how there is nothing to any of these issues reformers keep raising…starting to think maybe I’m being snowed…See also this Richard Whitmire post:

The surprise star at last night’s launch of the Democrats For Education Reform was Michelle Rhee, the new DC schools chancellor. With her humor and spunk very much intact in spite of smacking repeatedly against what may be the worst-run school central office in the entire country, Rhee regaled a crowd of about 100 national education reformers at the Hotel Washington across from the U.S. Treasury Department with fresh stories from close quarters bureaucratic combat.

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