Candidate training for women

Fact: Women make up 51% of the US population, but only 14% of the US Congress. Fair representation is the way to fair policies; we’re not there yet, and we can do better.
Studies show that women win just as frequently as men. Conclusion: more women need to run for office. Studies also show that women need to be asked to run for office three times before they will do it. Conclusion: consider yourself asked, and tell your girl friends to run.
Emerge Wisconsin is a groups that recruits and trains women to run for office. Their training program is 1 weekend/month for seven months, and is the most comprehensive candidate training program that I know of. The deadline for applying for the program is November 15th, and I’m hoping that you (if you are female) will consider applying, or pass this on to women who you think should run for office.
Emerge’s website:
The application can be downloaded and viewed at:
Melissa Malott, Attorney
Water Program Director
Clean Wisconsin
122 State St., Suite 200
Madison, WI 53703
tel. (608) 251-7020 x13
fax (608) 251-1655

One thought on “Candidate training for women”

  1. Such organizations are certainly sexist. It doesn’t matter to me whether an office is held by a male or female — the problem is the office is held by a career politician whose hands are always in our pockets — dirty, incompetent.
    We don’t need women to run. We need people to run for offices who cannot be bought, who can and do understand issues and vote that way, and don’t pander to the lowest common denominator (which seems to be pretty low at this point).
    The problem with the women in political office is they’re just as crooked as the men they’ve replaced. More like this we do not need.
    What is needed are organizations for both male and female, black, hispanic, asian, caucasian potential candidates who will be far better than those who thrive in the current corrupt political systems.

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