Read 180: A Reading Boost for Older Children

Amy Hetzner:

Reading aloud embarrassed Vanessa Hernandez when she had to do it in a classroom full of students for whom words and pronunciation seemed to come easy.
But after seeing her reading ability jump two grade levels in just over a month, and with only a computer judging how she pronounces words, Vanessa Hernandez said she is finally learning how reading can be fun.
“You feel so much confidence,” the sixth-grader from Waukesha’s Hadfield Elementary School said of the improvements she’s made this year.

6 thoughts on “Read 180: A Reading Boost for Older Children”

  1. IF you have the allocation to properly staff the program, it is wonderful! Unfortunately……as budgets are cut and schools get less staff, some schools that purchased Read 180 no longer can staff it properly:(

  2. I know that Jefferson had it before we did at Black Hawk. We still use it, but not with a dedicated “reading instructor”. As far as I know, every student gets assessed via Read 180 and those deemed to need further help get pulled out. It’s not the same as having a dedicated reading instructor. And the MMSD didn’t pay for it, our PTO paid for it!

  3. David,
    That’s sad that the PTO had to pay for reading instruction, but very good of the PTO at the same time.
    What could be more fundamental than reading? What could be a higher priority for the MMSD than teaching reading?
    If the MMSD doesn’t assume the responsibility, why should we vote “yes” to give the MMSD more money to do things other than fulfill its most basic obligation to students?

  4. I think one can make a good case for “bricks and mortar” being a basic obligation to students. Athletics might be more debateable, but no one has had the guts to go there IMHO.

  5. Article X, Section 3 of the WI Constitution addresses the point: “[District schools; tuition; sectarian instruction; released time.] The legislature shall provide by law for the establishment of district schools, which shall be as nearly uniform as practicable; and such schools shall be free and without charge for tuition to all children between the ages of 4 and 20 years…”

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