A Look at Johnny Winston’s 6 Weeks As President of the Madison School Board

Susan Troller:

At a brainstorming workshop meeting Monday night organized by Winston, School Board members outlined ideas and priorities for the next year. While there was some initial grumbling about process, within a couple of hours, dozens of ideas had been presented, organized and prioritized.
By the end of the evening, four subject areas were chosen as priorities: fair allocation of resources to schools, the budget process, attendance issues and academic performance.

One thought on “A Look at Johnny Winston’s 6 Weeks As President of the Madison School Board”

  1. Johnny could indeed become an important leader. One step in that direction would be for him to formulate a vision for the school district. Then he would need to be able articulate that vision to the public so that people could mobilize around it, and finally he would need to lead the board and administration to achieve the vision.

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