“Support for Candidates that Care about the Majority”

David Wandel emails:

I am glad that your group, as limited and as narrow as it is, has a forum. It is a shame that your beliefs about the “majority” of the current School Board are so militant and out of focus.
One of those School Board members is Juan Jose Lopez. Here is someone that has devoted 12 years to improving the life of the children of Madison. Without delving into the depth and detail to pose only the minute narrow issues that you seek to blow out of proportion I would like to suggest that instead of postulating on what is needed you need to do something positive. Help elect the candidates that will help solve the problems instead of making current situations worse.
Change your focus of vehemence toward those at the state level that set the budget for our school system. In doing so you will address the real issues.
Mr. Lopez has apparently offended your sensibilities by representing the greatest number of children in the most appropriate way instead of focusing on the narrow group of students you seem to represent – only your own children.
In my case, I have 5 children. They range from a 15 year old fresh-person at West to a 31 year old lawyer in the Chicago area. Never, in all the years that I have represented my children in numerous school systems have I seen such an angry group. You seem like professionals. Act like them.
I personally find that our school system is the best I have come across so far. Perfect, no. Better than others – yes. Likely to help my children succeed – definitely.
Well, I’m done. On April 4 I will vote. For the candidates that care about the majority. Candidates that represent youth in the most appropriate fashion. Candidates that are interested in finding solutions not complaining and hiding in a Blog. Not your candidates but candidates for the people of Madison, not the special interests. Juan and Arlene. Real people that will fight for all our children. Put away your swords and get with it.

4 thoughts on ““Support for Candidates that Care about the Majority””

  1. You know, David, I have never seen anyone on this site call the supporters of your candidates names. What I have seen is dialogue related to the strengths of candidates, something I really saw no factual basis for offered in your post. It sounds like you think no one else should have even run against your two candidates.
    If you’re happy with the status quo, by all means vote for those candidates you think best reflect that. For those of us who wish to see the board chart a fresh path, we won’t be lining up behind your candidates. But I won’t call you names for your choice.

  2. I would say the writer is calling no one “names”; rather, they are calling on all of us to address the issues. Whether past references include board members as victims or as status quo, I think the writer provides insight on how we treat our public officials.
    We can certainly evaluate ‘ideas’ and discussions and consistency of their decisions. However, I would put forward that many goals for SIS (School Info Systems) have not followed consistency of thought. For example, public input has been requested at great length and yet, when the public has had it’s opportunity to participate, it is futile. The argument continues, the ideas put forward are just not good enough, they are the same old same old or they are of minor detail in the scheme of things.
    The author is not focused on name-calling; rather they are asking us to reflect upon the root of the districts problems and move forward in a positive manner with real solutions.

  3. I’m not sure about calling names, but Mr Wandel is misinformed about the way this site works. In no way is it the work of a narrow group. I became “involved” after posting a comment that the Jim Zellmer found thoughtful. The comments sections are open to all and anyone can take advantage of them. Because I had something interesting to say, Jim invited me to become part of the blog. There was no ideological or political test. I took him up on his offer, but due to a family situation did not participate till recently.
    I’m not part of any narrow group, I’m not associated with any school board candidate and in fact am leaning toward voting for one candidate from each camp. Many on this blog have strong opinions, some are associated with one candidate or another, but some of us aren’t and the blog itself is not narrow.

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