Far West Land Purchase – Approved


The board voted four to two to spend 525-thousand dollars for the land.
The purchase was almost tabled by two school board members, which included Lawrie Kobza.
Lawrie Kobza said, ‘I believed the negotiations were finished we should of been talking about these things in the public really for the last month in a half.”
“It’s the process the board goes through and developing public trust on decisions that were made, I was really trying to focus on that and it’s disappointing the majority of the board didn’t go with me,” said Kobza.
“This isn’t a secret, our community knows it’s growing and we’re going to have to build new schools in the future and we’re going to have to purchase the land first,” said Madison School Board Member Johnny Winston.

One thought on “Far West Land Purchase – Approved”

  1. Congratulations to Carol, Lawrie, and Ruth for voting to postpone board action on the purchase of new land. As Lawrie said so well, the board needs to develop “public trust on decisions.” Their vote was an attempt to pull the board in that direction.

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