3 thoughts on “MMSD Purchase of School Site”

  1. I presume that the purchase will be on the west side, but I don’t really know. If so, has the west side task force gotten any briefing on the purchase? If, on the other hand, the purchase is on the east side, has the east side task force been briefed?

  2. The east side parcel was purchased years ago, in the Sprecher neighborhood east of I90 and north of I94. It is in the LaFolette attendance area and therefore of no concern to the East attendance area task force. I guess we’ll find out the details of the west side parcel after tonight. If it won’t be developed in the next 5 years, it is of no concern to the west task force, per the terms of the charge. Certainly someone will ask the question though.

  3. If you get some details on the purchase, would you please post them on the blog?
    Have the members of the task force been invited to post? If they haven’t, maybe you could invite them.

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