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October 24, 2005

Monday October 17th Meeting

On Monday October 17th, The Finance and Operations Committee heard reports from the African American Ethnic Academy (Dr. Virginia Henderson, Andreal and Arlington Davis), Project Bootstrap (Dick Anderson), Centro Hispano (Peter Munoz) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (New President and CEO Scott Gray and Ed Lee). All of these programs receive Fund 80 from the school district. The committee heard about the nature and scope of their services, physical site, evaluation processes and the responsibilities for the programs. The discussion was excellent.

There has been talk amongst some board members and community that the board should cut Fund 80 dollars from the budget. It was asked that if board members wished to do that they should make formal motions soon so service providers have the opportunity to make adjustments to their budgets. I don’t agree with this.

I believe that the board is not only using the Fund 80 appropriately, it should be used more. These community partnerships should be used to fund programs for Southeast Asian students, LGBTQ students, and schools without community centers, TAG students and more.

Expansion is definitely on my “to do list.”

We also discussed student fees and asked Administration to give a list of all extracurricular activities that have a paid staff. If this is something that the board is going to consider, we should talk about it in October and not in the spring (during our budget season). In addition, we should get feedback from parents, coaches, community members etc.

Wisconsin State Journal reported on the meeting

Posted by Johnny Winston, Jr. at October 24, 2005 2:36 AM