On Milwaukee's Schools: A clearer picture of the district's financial problems is essential, but a broader discussion of its challenges also must take place.
Milwaukee Journal - Sentinel Editorial:
Gov. Jim Doyle and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett will hire a consultant within the next week to get a clearer picture of Milwaukee Public Schools' financial underpinnings.
Their joint announcement Saturday feels like progress. But it's only a first step.
Yes, by all means, learn as much as possible about the district's troubled books. But then take action to shore up those finances and focus on other looming issues -- namely the question of governance.
That broader discussion is essential. It's one that Doyle and Barrett must lead. But before that, they agree that they need to know what works financially and what doesn't within the district. Fair enough, because if money is the problem, then an audit will help them deliver that message to the public.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 15, 2008 1:01 AM
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