A Rather Thin, Data Free Update on Madison’s Long Term, Disastrous Reading Results

Madison School District Administration Slides (PDF)

Learning is accelerated

Fewer students are at risk over time

Decisions about who needs Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions are reliable and can be made rapidly

Rates of intervention success are high

Key decision makers look at the effects of implementation and troubleshoot regularly

Resources are allocated efficiently

Caroline Racine Gilles (PDF)

I. Purpose
The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on MMSD’s strategy for literacy tiers of support, to highlight a targeted acceleration strategy implemented with intensive elementary schools this year, and to re-cap the major findings from two secondary program reviews along with next steps.

II. Background Information
The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) department is working strategically with many departments to help improve overall outcomes for students through a tiered approach to support. Critical to an effective MTSS system is high quality first teaching and a robust, guaranteed and viable curriculum. Efforts must be placed squarely in this arena as the effectiveness of our interventions and supports hinge on the effectiveness of our Tier 1. To this end, we have a multi- pronged approach to MTSS implementation. Increasing our capacity to implement and sustain literacy supports and intervention is one focus within the context of larger MTSS implementation. Given our student outcome data, we work in two main areas: prevention and intervention. Our ultimate goal is to prevent skill deficits from occurring in the first place (e.g., catching students before they fail), while simultaneously providing intervention for those students who already have skill deficits. Therefore, our efforts must rest in supplementing our core instruction in the early grades, while having a relentless focus on catching up our middle and high school students. This briefing sheet will detail our strategies and efforts in both areas.

An unfortunate data free update.

Madison has long tolerated disastrous reading results.