Changes to New Jersey’s Pension System

Matt Bai:

“It’s an extraordinary day for New Jersey,” Chris Christie boomed proudly when we talked this afternoon. It’s a pretty extraordinary day for New Jersey’s governor, too.
Regular readers of The Times Magazine may recall that I wrote a cover piece on Mr. Christie back in February, exploring in some detail his long campaign to remake the pension and health care system for New Jersey’s public service unions. Near the end of that piece, in a kind of “to be continued” way, I noted that Mr. Christie had made a lot of noise for his agenda but hadn’t yet achieved the most pivotal pieces of reform.
And so Mr. Christie was calling, minutes before the New Jersey House started voting on a bipartisan reform package, to do a little crowing. He wanted me to know that he and the leaders of New Jersey’s Democratic-controlled Legislature were about to do something pretty amazing.

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