The Power of Blogs

Marisue, Your comments are closed so I have to open a new post. Curiously, you as one of the regular posters here complain about the influence of blogs and talk radio. I saw lots of your candidates’ supporters at the 92.1 radio forum and many of your associates, especially from the special ed bloc, post here regularly.
So what’s the beef exactly–that folks can speak their minds freely and reference materials and sources not otherwise available in the echo chamber that has until recently been our political scene here in Madison?
I am happy to have this place to debate ideas. I welcome the disagreement so long as it isn’t personal. I think that’s something alot of folks have gotten sick of with the way the current board majority functions–if you don’t fall in step, you’re attacked personally.
So let’s keep talking, posting new data, pushing for answers together–here, and hopefully before a school board dedicated to those same principles.

One thought on “The Power of Blogs”

  1. 1. Curiously, you as one of the regular posters here complain about the influence of blogs and talk radio.
    –I don’t find either of them factual. These are just complain forums rather than solution driven….but let me classify the statement as just my own opinion from my own experience.
    2. I saw lots of your candidates’ supporters at the 92.1 radio forum and many of your associates, especially from the special ed bloc, post here regularly
    -I hope the district, community and board can push forward for answers together…I hate to say this because it sounds terribly personal, but the quote above is what needs to be changed. Everyone is judged. Each parent wishing to participate (like Janet, Barb and many others) is then instantly categorized. “I’m obviously their associate and obviously a special ed bloc parent…” When indeed, my children would test talented and gifted at a local private school.
    Assumptions need to be minimized. I heard an MMSD board member from our districts past say, our board moved along because everyone came to the meetings willing to listen and allow themselves the opportunity to change their mind(s). That’s a powerful statement!

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